Tagged: student

End of an era: No campus daily at UW-Madison

End of an era: No campus daily at UW-Madison

The Daily Cardinal plans to cut production of its print edition to two days per week, leaving UW-Madison without a daily student newspaper only a few years after the campus had two of them...

HOOAH! Student rallies campus, community for vets

Nicholas Gries, a nontraditional student at UW-Green Bay, has had many experiences in his life that have made him the man he is today. But it is his military experience that drives his current passion to dive further, dig deeper — both at the University, and in service to his community.

Wanek is student of the week

Wanek is student of the week

If it’s another week, it’s another Phoenix of the Week as identified by the Student Government Association. This week, it’s senior business major Sarah Wanek, who is described as well-known on campus “for her...

UW-Green Bay initiative brings used books to inmates

UW-Green Bay initiative brings used books to inmates

In her three full years as a UW-Green Bay student, Courtney Maye has surrounded herself with extraordinary student organizations, community partners, and passionate faculty and staff, striving to better the quality of life for...

Squad call Wednesday was for diabetic issue

Squad call Wednesday was for diabetic issue

Employees leaving campus after 4:30 p.m. Wednesday might have seen emergency response units on South Circle Drive in the vicinity of the Arboretum trails near the Facilities Management Building. We’ve learned the crews were...