Tagged: student organizations
UW-Green Bay’s Green Bay Audubon Student Conservation Chapter was highlighted in a recent Audubon article, “Conservation Trailblazers on Campus.” UW-Green Bay graduate student Tara Hohman (Environmental Science and Policy), who serves as president for the student...
The next installment of the Cofrin School of Business Spring Speaker Series will be taking place on Tuesday, Mar. 12, 2019 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 109 in Mary Ann Cofrin Hall. The talk...
The first installment of the Cofrin School of Business Spring Speaker Series, “How to Begin Investing,” will be taking place on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Mary Ann...
The Cofrin School of Business student organizations are co-sponsoring two upcoming events: How to Begin Investing: Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2019 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Mary Ann Cofrin Hall in Room 109. Speaker: Daniel...
UW-Green Bay’s Public Relations Student Society of America (UWGB PRSSA) chapter will host Night Golf Networking to give students and professionals the opportunity to network with each other. The event will be on April...
UWGB-United and student organization Feminists 4 Action invite you to join them for a 2018 Gubernatorial Election Forum featuring candidates Tony Evers, Matt Flynn, Mahlon Mitchell and Kathleen Vinehout. The forum will be held...
Tribeta Honor Society raised money from various fundraisers throughout the semester (brat stand and hot chocolate sales) and then used those funds ($300) to buy gifts for the pediatric patients at St. Vincent’s Hospital,...
The UW-Green Bay Student Organization — Strate Outta Compost — is hosting a Garden Community Design Symposium, Dec. 4 and 5. All are welcome to a Fireside Chat and free dinner at the Mauthe...
Southeast Asian Student Union Organization (SASU) is hosting a Arts and Crafts Night, Thursday, Nov. 30 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Phoenix Rooms A and B, University Union. Learn about Southeast Asian culture...
Organization Latino Americana is hosting a fundraiser for a national conference in Chicago, in Feb. 2018. Now through Feb. 15, OLA members are selling Kwik Trip gift cards priced at $10, $20, $25, $50...