Tagged: presentation

Faculty note: Kaye on radio

Faculty note: Kaye on radio

This coming Sunday (May 17), UW-Green Bay Prof. Harvey J. Kaye of Democracy and Justice Studies will be featured guest on WYSO radio — public radio for southwest Ohio — to talk about FDR...

Faculty note: Goff book, presentations

Faculty note: Goff book, presentations

Victoria Goff, associate professor emerita (ICS), is writing a book on the impact of social media on authors and the U.S. book publishing industry. She recently shared some of her findings at Left Coast...

Faculty note: Dalke

Faculty note: Dalke

Sociologist Karen Dalke of the UW-Green Bay faculty made a presentation in January as part of an international conference in New Delhi, India. Dalke was a co-presenter, with Harry Wels of VU University Amsterdam,...