Tagged: Academic Technology Services
Academic Technology Services is advertising its next D2L workshop to prepare instructors for the sprint to the end of the year: a session Monday (March 31) from noon to 12:45 p.m., which will be...
Academic Technology Services is offering a series of D2L “Lunch and Learns.” The first program, “Revealing the Secrets of Online Rooms,” will be offered twice this week, from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Tuesday (March...
The good people in Academic Technology Services have organized a series of D2L “Lunch and Learns” to help instructors navigate common problems as they gear up for the end of the semester. The first...
Due to an unresolved intermittent-performance issue identified in the test environment, the D2L upgrade will now now take place from 10 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, to 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 16. (The upgrade was...
Here’s a quick reminder that the Desire2Learn (D2L) online learning software will be upgraded during January Winterim, and our friends in ATS want to keep you in the know. The first of more than...
UW-Green Bay’s D2L (Desire2Learn online learning software) is going to be upgraded over the January Winterim 2014. Our friends in Academic Technology Services tell us the new version will entail some changes to the...
Our friends at CATL (the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning) and Academic Technology Services share word that the first Wisconsin “D2L IGNITE” Regional User Forum will be held Friday, Nov. 8,...
To Voice Mail Users: AT&T is making some changes to the voice mail system which will take effect next Tuesday morning, Oct. 22. This change will require all users to reset the PIN number...
Academic Technology Services is pleased to announce that two finalists for the Learning Technology Coordinator position will be on campus for their interviews during the week of Aug. 5. Jennifer Hendryx is an instructional...
Next week is the last on campus for Leif Nelson of Academic Technology Services, who will be leaving UW-Green Bay for a position with Boise State University. A social gathering will be held on...