Tagged: Academic Technology Services

Reminder: D2L ‘Lunch and Learns’

Reminder: D2L ‘Lunch and Learns’

Academic Technology Services is offering a series of D2L “Lunch and Learns.” The first program, “Revealing the Secrets of Online Rooms,” will be offered twice this week, from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Tuesday (March...

D2L upgrade shifted to overnight Jan 15

D2L upgrade shifted to overnight Jan 15

Due to an unresolved intermittent-performance issue identified in the test environment, the D2L upgrade will now now take place from 10 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15, to 10 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 16. (The upgrade was...

First D2L upgrade training is Tuesday

First D2L upgrade training is Tuesday

Here’s a quick reminder that the Desire2Learn (D2L) online learning software will be upgraded during January Winterim, and our friends in ATS want to keep you in the know. The first of more than...

Voice mail users must reset PINs

Voice mail users must reset PINs

To Voice Mail Users: AT&T is making some changes to the voice mail system which will take effect next Tuesday morning, Oct. 22. This change will require all users to reset the PIN number...