Introducing the University Assessment Committee

Assessment of curriculum, programs, learning outcomes, and co-curricular offerings is vital to the health of any academic institution. As such, it requires a group of dedicated individuals passionate about ensuring that the skills and offerings we provide to our students will guarantee their success as global citizens. To that end, the Interim Provost of Academic Affairs has approved the creation of the University Assessment Committee, comprised of Valerie Murrenus Pilmaier (Assessment Coordinator and chair), Caroline Boswell (Director of CATL), Sam Surowiec (ISE), Breeyawn Lybbert (NAS), Kerry Kuenzi (PEA and HIPs Coordinator), Mary Gichobi (EDU), Jessica Van Slooten (AH), Joanna Morissey (Graduate Studies), Anny Merry (Library), Michael Cocuzza (Dean of Students) and Alison Gates (Representing the General Education Council). The members have been serving on an informal basis since the beginning of spring term but will be assuming their roles in an official capacity beginning in the fall of 2021. This committee has been hard at work revising the Institutional Learning Outcomes to mirror the AACU Essential Learning Outcomes, creating rubrics to assess the Institutional Learning Outcomes, and creating a cycle of assessment for General Education Learning Outcomes, Programmatic Learning Outcomes and Institutional Learning Outcomes starting in fall of 2021.