All but 1 UW campus met goal to offer 75% of classes in person this fall | Higher education |

All but one University of Wisconsin System campus met a goal set earlier this year to offer at least 75% of classes in person this fall, UW System officials announced Tuesday. Bringing students back into classrooms this fall is important, interim System President Tommy Thompson said, because so many students missed out last year when the pandemic moved most courses online.

All campuses, with the exception of UW-Madison, had enrollment declines for incoming sophomores and juniors, which Thompson attributed to the students feeling they didn’t receive the college experience they anticipated. He said he sent letters to each student who had indicated their plans to drop out, urging them to reconsider and promising a much better school year in 2021-22.

Source: All but 1 UW campus met goal to offer 75% of classes in person this fall | Higher education |

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