Leader Van Gruensven has role in true children’s book

Sheryl Van Gruensven, director of Human Resources, was part of the most recent graduating class of Leadership Green Bay.  Sheryl and her classmates worked in small groups on community projects.  Sheryl’s small group worked with a second grade class at Fort Howard Elementary school to write and illustrate a children’s book.  The name of the book Sent to the Fort (dentition at the original Fort Howard), is comprised of fictional stories written by the children.  The book has been published and is for sale ($10) with the proceeds going to a special fund used for basic needs of students attending Fort Howard.  Please contact Sheryl if you are interested in purchasing a copy.  (Other class projects included an electronic recycling awareness program, Water is Life exhibit for the Children’s Museum of Green Bay, United States Map on playground at Aldo Leopold school, and the Rx Drop Box prescription medication disposal program.

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