HLC visit is complete; thanks for your participation, leadership

In a memo to the University last week, Provost Kate Burns recognized the campus community for hosting the Higher Learning Commission’s accreditation visit last week, with kudos to Clif Ganyard and Courtney Sherman for their dedication and leadership in the HLC accreditation process.

“I am so grateful for all of their efforts and they were pivotal to the success of our visit,” said Burns. “I also wanted to thank those of you who were able to attend the open fora/meetings and those who served on the working groups helping to draft the assurance agreement. I was able to meet individually with the reviewers and they commented that it’s one thing to read the assurance argument, but it’s another thing to visit a University and see that brought to life. They found our commitment to access, student success, community engagement, and equity, diversity, inclusion to be very compelling. They resonated with our ‘1 university, 4 locations” mission. We have a lot to be proud of as a University. We will receive HLC’s final report in early spring, where we will learn more details on our strengths, weaknesses, and possible areas for improvement.”


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