A letter to faculty and staff from Mike Falbo, UW System interim president

In my first days as Interim UW System President, I want to express my appreciation to all of you for your dedication to UW System Administration and the UW campuses. I am honored by the opportunity to lead this great system of higher education, and to work with all of you to advance the mission of the UW System.

Over the next several weeks, in addition to serving as Interim President, I also will be leading the Presidential Transition Team as we prepare for President Jay Rothman to join us on June 1. The team is focused on prioritizing the work of UW System Administration to effectively serve campuses and students, while also assisting the Board in meeting its fiduciary duties.

I look forward to learning more about how UW System Administration is achieving these objectives and how this organization can be enhanced to better serve campuses.

While my tenure as Interim President will be brief, my goal is to end every day of the next ten weeks by reflecting on the following questions: “How did I help a campus today? How did I help students today?”

I look forward to meeting you and working with you in service to our great UW campuses.  If you have questions or feedback for me, please email me at mfalbo@uwsa.edu.


Mike Falbo
Interim President
1720 Van Hise Hall, 1220 Linden Dr
Madison, WI 53706
608-262-2321 | wisconsin.edu

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