Tagged: workshop

Faculty note: Meacham

Faculty note: Meacham

Faculty author Rebecca Meacham, associate professor of Humanistic Studies, has two new flash fiction pieces (and a postcard) appearing in the online journal Wigleaf, which spotlights pieces of a thousand words or fewer. Additionally,...

Reminder: SAFE Ally training

Reminder: SAFE Ally training

Seats for the Fall Semester SAFE Ally training are filling quickly. There are four more seats available for the Friday, Oct. 4 session from 9 to 11 a.m. Six seats are available for the...

Suicide prevention training

Suicide prevention training

Already broadcast campuswide but repeated here as a reminder: Free QPR Gatekeeper Training for Suicide Prevention is open to all from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday (Sept. 25) in Phoenix A of the University...

Workshop: ‘Tenure and Merit Review Process’

Workshop: ‘Tenure and Merit Review Process’

Interested individuals are welcome to join Cliff Abbott, professor of Information and Computing Sciences, and Anne Buttke, operations manager for Professional Studies, for a workshop on “Tenure and Merit Review Processes.” The workshop takes...