Tagged: budget

Coverage of 0 percent pay plan

Coverage of 0 percent pay plan

State workers will not receive salary increases during the next two years, but they also won’t see additional major changes in other benefits, under the first pay plan Gov. Scott Walker’s administration put forward...

UW System statement on budget lapse, campus-by-campus

UW System statement on budget lapse, campus-by-campus

The UW System issued a statement Tuesday (Oct. 18) after learning a state-ordered budget lapse could cost institutions $46 million in state taxpayer support during fiscal year 2011-12, plus an additional $19.6 million next...

Audio: Reilly talks budget challenges with WPR

Audio: Reilly talks budget challenges with WPR

In a brief interview on public radio, UW System President Kevin Reilly recaps what $340 million in state budget cuts will mean to the System. The reduction averages about 11 percent for each of...