Partnerships/External Working Group wants your input

The Partnerships and External Affairs Team is one of four Working Groups participating in UW-Green Bay’s “Inventing the Future” initiative. In the spirit of its charge, the 29-member team welcomes feedback from the campus and broader community.

Says the subcommittee’s chair, Associate Prof. Lucy Arendt, “We have identified some strengths and weaknesses that we think might characterize (1) our campus partnerships with external individuals, agencies, organizations, etc.; and (2) our external messaging. We’ve also considered some opportunities and threats outside UW-Green Bay as they relate specifically to campus partnerships and external messaging. We’ve gathered data from many sources and are working to develop a comprehensive picture of what the campus has been doing, how well we’ve been doing it, and some possible areas for improvement and future action. In the spring, we’ll be discussing how UW-Green Bay might enhance its leadership role in the community through partnerships and effective external messaging. The Partnerships & External Affairs Team wants your input! We’ve prepared a simple 6-item questionnaire that asks for your thoughts on UW-Green Bay’s internal strengths and weaknesses, along with your perceptions of external opportunities and threats, specific to campus partnerships and the campus’ external messaging. If you want to share your ideas with the team, please complete the questionnaire at Questions about the Partnerships & External Affairs Team and its work should be directed to its Chair, Lucy Arendt (”