Organizations collaborated to rock the vote
A non-partisan effort went into getting the word out for students to vote, said Assistant Dean for Campus Life Brenda Amenson-Hill. “The change this year has been the collaboration between the organizations,” Amenson-Hill said. “It’s much more organized. The organizations were working together for awareness.” Voter registration drives started weeks before Election Day, with WISPIRG, the UW-Green Bay Student Government Association and both the College Republicans and College Democrats helping to get the word out. A big “get out the vote” push started late last week.
On campus, a big year for Democrats
In previous elections, the on-campus student vote has typically been fairly evenly split, but Tuesday’s results from the on-campus polling location showed overwhelming support for Democrats. Students voting straight party chose Democrats over Republicans 269-196. President-Elect Barack Obama easily defeated Republican Sen. John McCain on campus, 876-412. Students chose incumbent Democratic Congressman Steve Kagen 700-449 over Republican challenger John Gard. Other Democrats to win: Dave Hansen over Chad Fradette 691-350 for State Senate District 30; and Jim Soletski over Tony Theisen 684-364 for State Assembly District 88. County Clerk Darlene Marcelle, a Republican, won re-election, but students chose challenger Karen Beno 585-389.