UW-Green Bay’s Peregrine Falcons are Back!

The falcons are back and the livestream is up and running!
This webcam follows the lives of Peregrine Falcons that utilize this nest box annually to raise their young. The nest box is located in a converted vent within the Cofrin Library on the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay campus. The webcam was developed and installed as part of a student independent research project directed by Dr. Amy Wolf of the Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, with collaboration from biologist Greg Septon, leader of Wisconsin’s Peregrine recovery efforts during the past 30 years. Former student Jacob Woulf (’19 and ’22) has been instrumental in installing the webcam with help and support from UW-Green Bay IT staff (especially Ron Kottnitz and Monika Pynaker), Paul Pinkston and staff at Facilities Management, Dr. Wolf, and staff of the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity, and staff at The Weidner. Other students who have been a part of the research project include Brandon Byrne (’20 and ’22) and Noah Nei (’20) and the Green Bay student chapter of the National Audubon Society. Local bird enthusiasts Paul and Annie Mueller provided funding to purchase the camera, and The 1923 Fund provided funds for Cofrin Center for Biodiversity staff support and additional equipment. Special thanks to Derek Tate and his shop classes at Coleman High School for creating our Phoenix symbol that is currently in the nest box.
We hope that the opportunity to observe these spectacular birds will provide enjoyment and appreciation for the successful outcome of collaborative conservation efforts.