In case you missed it… summary of recent rehired-annuitants coverage
We included a link in yesterday’s Log EXTRA (the one with the pretty pictures) regarding a roundup of the last week’s developments involving UW-Green Bay and the larger statewide issue of rehiring retired state, school and municipal employees. The summary includes:
• Coverage of a letter by UW System President Kevin Reilly stating that pension and pay rules need clarification;
• Reports that Gov. Scott Walker supports a bill that would fine-tune existing policies;
• Saturday’s continuing Press-Gazette coverage, which took a broader look at the practice and quoted Dean Scott Furlong on the value, in particular, of rehiring faculty members to teach specific courses;
• A WBAY, Channel 2 report that focused on proactive steps UW-Green Bay is taking to refine its policies governing the practice of rehiring retirees;
• Comments from a conversation with former UW-Green Bay chancellor David Outcalt in which he worries that any more reductions in the overall benefit package will have an outsized impact on the institution’s ability to attract top talent;
• and a Wisconsin State Journal article that mentions the UW-Green Bay situation but takes a broader, statewide perspective.
Find links to all at our previous post.