Candidates for the 8th Congressional District spar at UW-Green Bay

GREEN BAY (WLUK) — The 8th Congressional debate between Doctor Kristin Lyerly and Tony Wied drew a crowd at UW-Green Bay.

The candidates are looking to finish off the remainder of former Representative Mike Gallagher’s congressional term. They are also on the ballot to serve out a term in the next Congress.

The two spoke on avariety of issues such as inflation and the economy.

When asked about inflation, Wied described it as a tax due to government spending.

“Unfortunately, inflation really is a tax. And where does it come from? It comes form the reckless spending that we continue to see in Washington and during this administration.”

Lyerly emphasized housing costs as the source the economic issues.

“We need programs for first time home buyers,” she said. “We need federal incentives for developers and builders so that they will put their time and energy to local projects that get these renters into homes.”

The candidates also fielded questions from students. They asked about topics relevant to them like student debt relief and mental health support.

Supporters for both Lyerly and Wied showed up to the race’s only scheduled debate for a rare chance to see talking points from both candidates.

“Just see how both candidates handle questions without any notes, and how they can talk to all the issues,”Dan Pichler said. “There’s so many different issues out there right now, it’s not a one issue election unlike some supporters like to go to.”

Pichler told FOX 11 the debate is also an opportunity to go outside the campaign trail.

“That they see the candidates for who they are, and not for what the negative ads portray them to be,” he said. “Because that’s not the type of people that either of the candidates are.”

Julie Hancock, another attendee, added, “I think it’s the one opportunity for the district to see the two candidates with each other and facing these issues that voters have these big questions about, I think for everyone tuning it it’s going to be important. And, I’m hoping people are watching because it’s a great opportunity to show the stark difference between the two candidates.”

Crowd members believe the debate will have a large impact on the election in November.

“First of all, we have a female running, and it’s going to be the first time that we have the women’s reproductive rights front and center,” said Amy Johnson. “Not only that, education, and social security, and all these wonderful things that are important. I have not heard much from the other person, so it will be interesting to hear what his views are.”

Student Benson Strassburger told us, “Hopefully it just makes more informed voters. I really think that is the main goal. I think we’ve seen enough division, and even though we have different opinions I think that we can express our views, like I said, amicably.”

GRB: Candidates for the 8th Congressional District spar at UW-Green Bay

Coverage also seen: Green Bay Press-Gazette

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