Jeffery Tobias Halter to address allyship women’s leadership event | Civic Media

GREEN BAY, WI – (WGBW & WISS) – The Schreiber Institute for Women’s Leadership Celebrate 2024 event is Thursday and Friday at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay.  Keynote Speaker Jeffery Tobias Halter, President of YWomen, will discuss the importance of being an ally for all disenfranchised groups.

“Even though, men are still 80 percent of leadership, and, I think, they have the greatest opportunities to be allies – White women can actually be better allies for women of color. And women of color can be better allies for people in the LGBTQ+ community,” said Halter. “It’s really a lens of allyship that says, ‘This isn’t men and women. It’s really around multiple dimensions of diversity.”

Although many were raised by strong, independent women, sometimes, single mothers, Halter said millennial men are not the allies to women that one would expect.

“We would think that this would translate into the workplace, where we would see greater gender equity. And believe it or not, there has not been a single study that has born that out,” said Halter. “They have not demonstrated any behavior that is different than their fathers or their grandfathers when it comes to understanding and leveraging the strengths that women bring.” 

Halter says that lack of a change has made for a very slow advancement in gender equity.

“If we look at the advancement of women across all levels of organizations, it’s a snail’s place. I mean, it’s literally, maybe, a three percent growth rate over the last 20 years, which is abysmal,” said Halter.

In addition to Halter, there will be panel discussions featuring women leaders from Northeast Wisconsin about their experiences in building community & allies in the workplace and beyond.

The Secret to Corporate Growth and Organizational Profitability: Becoming an Ally

Schreiber Institute for Women’s Leadership invites women—and men—to discover the power of allyship in realizing organizational goals with two-day event.

Green Bay, Wis.—It’s easy to say you and your organization are committed to addressing the workplace gender equity gap that exists everywhere, including Northeast Wisconsin. Doing something about it takes intentionality and learning how to be an ally to those around you, according to Gender Strategist (and Wisconsin native) Jeffery Tobias Halter. Halter, a 30-year corporate leader, author, consultant and President of YWomen is the keynote speaker at the Schreiber Institute for Women’s Leadership Celebrate 2024 events on May 16 and 17, 2024 at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay.

“This year, the Institute is expanding its annual Celebrate event to two days and is being more intentional than ever in addressing the gender leadership gap,” says Institute Executive Director Pa Lee Moua. “We’re inviting men from the region to be in the room with their women colleagues to learn together about strategies to accelerate organizational growth, equity and profitability.”

Day one is an evening of connection, learning and inspiration: Celebrate 2024: Why Women, Why Now, on Thursday, May 16, 4-8 p.m. at The Weidner. Women from across the region and those who mentor and supervise them—including men—are encouraged to attend the event. For more info on our event and to hear a welcome from Jeffery click here.

According to Halter, male advocacy is one of the most important elements to driving long-term systemic change in organizations. His keynote Engaging All Allies: Moving from Awareness to Advocacy will be a call to action for transformational change towards more inclusive leadership and organizational success.

Source: Jeffery Tobias Halter to address allyship women’s leadership event

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