Jingle Bell run/walk for arthritis

Be there with bells on
The Arthritis Foundation’s Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis is set for Saturday, Dec. 6, starting at the Kress Events Center. Registration is at 8 a.m. with a 5-K Run/Walk at 9 a.m. Wear a holiday-themed costume, tie jingle bells to your shoelaces and help fight the nation’s most common cause of a disability. Register by Nov. 24 to save $5. Early registration includes a t-shirt, gloves, jingle bells and a goody bag. Register online at www.arthritis.org, or e-mail llibert@arthritis.org or Kristina DeKeyser at dekeke14@uwgb.edu.

Team sign-up
Make a team of 10 or more co-workers, friends or family members in the fight against arthritis no later than Nov. 12. Teams are eligible for prizes and awards, and each team gets a complimentary team photo. There’s also an opportunity to have a team logo on the back of a team shirt. register a team, and request a team captain kit, call (920) 330-0592 or e-mail llibert@arthritis.org. Registration is also available online at www.arthritis.org.