Tuesdays with Mauthe
The Rev. Richard Mauthe, one of the guiding spirits behind the Ecumenical Center is returning for a series of conversations that begin Nov. 3. Mauthe, an ordained Catholic priest, was Newman Center Chaplain at the Green Bay Extension of the University of Wisconsin when the UW-Green Bay became an independent campus. When area religious groups joined together to create the Ecumenical Center, Mauthe became its first executive director. Mauthe was at the Ecumenical Center for more than 30 years, before his reassignment to St. Louis Parish in Dykesville. Formally retired, Mauthe serves as weekend assistant at Stella Maris Parish in Door County and as chaplain to the Sister of St. Francis of the Holy Cross. But he’s coming back to the Ecumenical Center for a series of dinner conversations that will celebrate the past, the present and the future. Programs will be held at 7 p.m. Nov. 3, Dec. 1, February 2, March 2, April 6 and May 4. The programs are free and the public is welcome. So organizers know how much food to prepare, they ask that attendees RSVP by calling the Ecumenical Center at (920) 465-5133, or e-mail info@ecuwgb.org.