GBSO offers UW-Green Bay discount for March 9 concert

Anyone with a UWGB ID (student, faculty, or staff) can purchase up to two tickets at a special one-time rate of $15 (plus $4 processing fee) for the Green Bay Symphony Orchestra’s March 9th concert. The regular ticket price is $43. Tickets must be purchased at the University Union ticket center or Resch Center box office by Friday, March 8 and will be “best available seating” at the time of purchase. No discounts will be offered on Saturday at the Weidner Center ticket office. Student rush tickets will still be available for $12 each starting 90 minutes prior to the concert, subject to availability. Why the special offer? GBSO points out that March is National Music in Our Schools Month. GBSO would also like to celebrate its affiliation with the Weidner Center as both its primary performance venue, and now, home to its administrative offices. Additionally, the new executive director, Dan Linssen, is both a graduate and former faculty member and would like to share this cultural opportunity with the campus. We’ll have a reminder on the discount (and more on the concert program) in an upcoming  issue.

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