Last call for daffodil purchases, donations
There are only a few days left to participate in the American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Days campaign at UW-Green Bay. The daffodil is a symbol of hope and renewal. To the American Cancer Society, daffodils represent hope for a world with lesscancer and more birthdays – one where cancer never steals another day from anyone’s life. Help campus reach its goal of $500 by placing your order with a campus volunteer: Brittany Luedtke x2108, Twila Marquardt x2368, Karla Miller x2163, Jan Snyder x2082, Tina Tackmier x2220, Teri Ternes x2336, Carol Wolske x2410 or online; click on ‘Get Daffodils’. Your order and payment is due Feb. 15; delivery is scheduled for March 12-16. Direct any questions to Teri Ternes. Thanks for supporting the ACS Daffodil Days fundraiser!