UW-Green Bay’s Art Agency to host Empty Bowls fundraiser April 11

The University of Wisconsin-Green Bay’s Art Agency student group will host its annual Empty Bowls fundraiser from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, April 11 at the University Union on campus, 2420 Nicolet Drive.

For the annual event, UW-Green Bay students and faculty make handmade ceramic bowls, which are then filled with chili or soup donated by local restaurants. Attendees pay a $10 donation and choose their own handmade bowl, which is theirs to keep. All of the proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to Kingdom Come, an Oconto Falls food bank.

Local restaurants donating soup or chili for this year’s Empty Bowls event include A’Bravo, Carlton Inn, Kavarna, Kroll’s East, Regatta 220 and Titletown Brewing.

Art Agency is a student organization that connects art students, networks with visiting artists and engages in related community service projects. Earlier this year, the group hosted a Pop-Up shop — a trendy, here-and-gone concept popular in large cities — in the 407 Gallery of the Studio Arts building on campus.

Empty Bowls was started in Michigan in 1990. The concept later developed to allow participants to keep their handmade ceramic bowls as reminders of the hunger persistent in the world. The event has been replicated in nations around the world with unique local opportunities for educators, artists and students. For general information about the project, visit www.emptybowls.net.


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