Author: Michael Shaw

Cartoon contest: What did the sandhill crane say to the turkey?

Cartoon Caption Results Are In!

The results are in and the collective Phoenix flock has spoken! (Or Squawked?) Much thanks to all who submitted and voted. The captions submitted ranged from the academic— “I gotta confess: I still don’t...

CDC: Wearing a mask is a must!

During cold and flu seasons, face masks are common sights in heavily populated areas, both home and abroad. Now, during the coronavirus outbreak, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends the use of a...

Resilient Wisconsin Resources Announced

Resilient Wisconsin Resources Announced

In this unprecedented time of uncertainty, adopting healthy practices for coping with stress and stay connected with friends, family and co-workers is more important than ever. Resilient Wisconsin offers resources and tools to encourage...

Brian Welsch smashes a block with a sledgehammer on a student lying on a bed of nails.

Striking a Blow for Physics

When UW-Green Bay Assistant Prof. Brian Welsch wants to make a point in his Fundamentals of Physics class regarding Isaac Newton’s second law of physics, he makes quite an impact—with a sledgehammer, to be...

Psychology faculty Jason Cowell and Sawa Senzaki study the pilots' brain activity.

Little Pilots, Big Study

There’s a jet plane in Mary Ann Cofrin Hall—in the psychology lab, to be exact. It’s colorful, about three feet tall and crafted of high-density plastic body foam with a padded seat. The “pilot”...