Tagged: Environmental Sciences
It’s a joint effort by academic majors and programs, the Office of Marketing and University Communication and Web Development… update each program website (eventually) with fresh, branded content, and an enhanced user experience which...
Assistant Professor Mike Holly’s environmental engineering technology research students Richard Sanderson and Emma Loucks perform research analysis for a project funded through the Freshwater Collaborative of Wisconsin with additional student experience through the Environmental...
In order to upgrade devices in the domestic potable water system, we will need to turn off the water on Thursday, Feb. 4, 2021 from approximately 6 to 9 a.m. within Environmental Sciences. All...
Assistant Professor Kelly Deuerling’s Soil Environment students use soil augers to dig up and describe the soils they extract from the Mesic Forest located in the Cofrin Memorial Arboretum on the UW-Green Bay campus....
Albion College’s Prof. Nicolle Zellner, one of the American Astronomical Society’s Shapley Lecturers, will give three astronomy and geology talks in Green Bay next week: “50 Years Since Apollo: What We Learned About the...
Watch this space for more, but hold the date: A fascinating documentary, Searching for Sustainability will be shown on campus, Feb. 13, 2018 at 6 p.m. in Phoenix Rooms B and C of the...
The first-ever “Internship Draft Day” in the Lambeau Field Atrium, co-sponsored by the NEW ERA regional education alliance (of which UWGB is a member) gave an opportunity for about 200 college students to explore...
Roving reporter Steve Hartman is famous in the industry for his human-interest feature stories for CBS News and the “Sunday Morning” show. This week, he stayed home, at his New York country property, to...
UW-Green Bay student Lauren Ruben of the Environmental Sciences program is active with the Relay for Life fundraiser. She’s urging fellow students (and others) to text 21212 #RelayForLife #UWGB now through May 3 to...
If teaching at the same institution for 44 years isn’t enough to validate Prof. Ismail Shariff’s commitment to a University of Wisconsin-Green Bay education, consider that he also convinced his son, brother-in-law, and four grandchildren to attend UWGB before retiring in 2011.