Head of Population Connection group to speak Oct. 29 at UW-Green Bay
The president and CEO of the grassroots Population Connection organization will deliver an address, “Soaring Past 7 Billion: Population Challenges for a Crowded World,” at 6 p.m. Monday, Oct. 29 in Room 250 of Rose Hall at UW-Green Bay, 2420 Nicolet Drive.

John Seager
Seager’s talk is hosted by UW-Green Bay’s Environmental Management and Business Institute (EMBI), an organization that works with public- and private-sector partners to solve environmental concerns in a sustainable manner. EMBI’s goals including strengthening and connecting academic programs that analyze environmental problems; providing outreach to businesses and agencies looking to address environmental problems; promoting research aimed at solving those problems; and serving as an academic resource on campus. EMBI takes no stance on the issue of family planning, said associate director John Arendt, but the Institute does have interest in issues related to scarcity of resources and global sustainability. Seager’s talk is free and open to the public.
For more information on Population Connection, visit www.populationconnection.org. For more on EMBI, visit www.uwgb.edu/embi.