UW-Green Bay’s Kaufman is new director of Institute for Learning Partnership

Timothy Kaufman
A 13-year employee of UW-Green Bay, Kaufman has chaired the Professional Program in Education since 2004. He succeeds veteran educator Richard Schaal, who stepped down in May after serving as Institute director since 2007.
Kaufman brings years of experience as a teacher, professor, administrator and researcher to his new position. He came to UW-Green Bay from Southern Illinois University, where he worked with undergraduate and graduate students with learning disabilities and dyslexia, building systems to ensure their success as they progressed toward their degrees. Kaufman taught for several years in Loyola University Chicago’s doctoral cohort, and taught reading and writing at the secondary level in urban Chicago. He spent his last two years in the K-12 setting creating a successful “school within a school” charter program that served marginal students and underserved populations in a large, culturally diverse school.
At UW-Green Bay, Kaufman oversees all aspects of the undergraduate and graduate programs in Education. Under his leadership, the Professional Program in Education is flourishing, graduating top teachers and receiving the 2011 UW System Regents Teaching Excellence Award in the category of outstanding academic department. Kaufman has been involved in several collaborations with the Institute for Learning Partnership, including the Teaching and Learning Grant Program, the Action Research Grant Writing Workshops, the University’s signature Phuture Phoenix program and more.
“I am very excited to serve as the director of the ILP,” Kaufman said. “I have been closely associated with this innovative program since my arrival at UW-Green Bay, and I look forward to expanding on the excellent work that has been done in serving the needs of teachers and learners in our region.”
The Institute for Learning Partnership is composed of the districts of the Northeast Wisconsin Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs 7 and 8); regional school boards; PK-12 educators and administrators; the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC); the Professional Development Academy of WEAC; Northeast Wisconsin’s technical colleges; the Partners in Education program of the Green Bay Area Chamber of Commerce; regional business and community leadership and UW-Green Bay. More information is available at www.uwgb.edu/learnpart/.