Q & A: The Story Behind The Third Annual Common CAHSS 2021: Truth

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The 2021 Common CAHSS event, themed “Truth, Information, Misinformation, and Democracy,” seeks to explore the role of the modern university in supporting the “continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found,” which has been part of the University of Wisconsin identity for more than a century. Learn from faculty members Chuck Rybak, Renee Ettinger, and Ryan Martin, some of the most involved with Common CAHSS 2021, about how the event came to be and their vision for the day and beyond. Read the full article detailing why they chose information literacy as the foundation of Common CAHSS 2021, what conference topics most interest them, and how they see Common CAHSS unfolding in the future on the CAHSS and Effect Website!

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