International Education Week lineup of events
Here is the lineup for International Education Week, a collaborative effort between numerous offices including: American Intercultural Center, Biology, Cercle Francais, Ecumenical Center, French, German, International Club, Japan Exchange Teaching Program and the Japan Information Center, Music, Office of Special Projects, One Book One Community, Peace Corps, Spanish, South Asian Student Union, Theatre, and the Office of International Education.
Monday, November 16:
9:30-10:30 a.m., Christie Theatre – Three Cups of Tea Presentation by Dr. Jerene Mortenson
Dr. Jerene Mortenson, mother of author Greg Mortenson will speak about their collaborative efforts to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan though the Pennies for Peace Program. Christie Theatre.
4 p.m., Phoenix Rooms – Outreach and Civic Commitment: Mental Health Service Delivery to Marginalized Individuals and Communities – Presentation by Dr. Cirecie West-Olatunji
Dr. West-Olatunji has initiated several clinical research projects that focus on culture-centered community collaborations designed to address issues rooted in systemic oppression, such as trans-generational trauma and traumatic stress. Phoenix Rooms
7 p.m., Christie Threatre – One Book One Community Discussion with Dr. Jerene Moretenson
Part of Brown County’s “One Book One Community Program,” Dr. Jerene Mortenson, mother of author Greg Mortenson will speak about their collaborative efforts to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Tuesday, November 17:
10-11 a.m., CL 207 – Study Abroad First Steps Meeting
Learn about over 200 study abroad and national study opportunities. In addition to information about financial aid, scholarships and credit transfer.
Noon to 1:30 p.m., Cloud Commons – International Awareness Contest
Up to eight teams will compete for bragging rights, tickets to the annual International Dinner, and other prizes. Each team must consist of: an American student, an international student, a staff member, and a faculty member. Questions in a rotational format on various international topics. Registration deadline is Thursday, (Nov.) 12. For more information, contact Hanna Nuqul,
2-4 p.m., Christie Theatre – International French Film “The Grocers Son”
Sponsored by the French Program and Cercle Francais.
5-6 p.m., Ecumenical Center – Food for Thought
Come enjoy great international food and learn first-hand what it means to be a part of the global community. Sponsored by the Ecumenical Center and the International Club.
7 p.m., Christie Theatre – Kevin Soucie French Concert
Wednesday, November 18:
10-11 a.m., CL 207 – Study Abroad First Steps Meeting
Learn about over 200 study abroad and national study opportunities. In addition to information about financial aid, scholarships and credit transfer.
Noon-1 p.m., American Intercultural Center, UU 150 – International Study Abroad Travel Panel
Learn about study abroad from students who have made the journey.
1:30-2:30 p.m., CL 207 – Peace Corps & JET Program Presentation
Explore the Peace Corps and the Japan Exchange Teaching program from past participants. Learn how you can be part of one of these programs.
2:30-3:30 p.m., CL 207 – Study Abroad First Steps Meeting
Learn about over 200 study abroad and national study opportunities. In addition to information about financial aid, scholarships and credit transfer.
3:45 p.m., Heritage Room, University Union – Italy Travel Course Information Session
Meet with course leaders, Prof. Donna Ritch and Prof. Amanda Nelson about this exciting summer biology course in Italy.
4 p.m., Common Grounds Coffee House – Spring Break Italy Travel Course
Learn about this exciting AVD travel opportunity to Italy over Spring Break.
4 p.m., Ecumenical Center – In the Path of Buddha
This program invites you to venture into the pathways of the Zen Buddhist tradition. Dr. Raymond (Reed) Hardy offers a unique opportunity to embrace mediation as a mean of personal exploration and discovery.
4-6 p.m., Christie Theatre, International Spanish Film “L’Auberge Espagnol”
Sponsored by the Spanish Program and the Spanish Club.
Thursday, November 19:
11 a.m. to noon, American Intercultural Center, UU 150, Japan Travel Course Information Session
Learn more about studying Arts and Culture in Japan with Prof. Kaoime Malloy and Kristy Aoki.
Noon-1 p.m., American Intercultural Center, UU 150, Sushi Rolling
Learn how to roll Japanese sushi with the South Asian Student Association.
2-3 p.m., CL 207, England Travel Course Information Session
Learn about the summer 2010 travel course to England.
6:30 – 8:30 p.m., Christie Theatre, International German Film, “Emma’s Bliss”
Sponsored by the German Program and the German Club.
Friday, November 20:
4 p.m., Lambeau Cottage, International Club Holiday Pot-Luck
For more information contact Kristy Aoki at
Saturday, November 21:
4 p.m., Jean Weidner Theatre, Weidner Center for the Performing Arts, Folk songs of Tesin, Czech Republic by Petr Eben (1929 – 2007)
Guest Artists, Matthew Markham, baritone, and Timothy Cheek, pianist, University of Michigan.