Snow is on the way; reminders for Green Bay Campus
Reminders regarding snow removal for the Green Bay Campus and keeping the campus community safe:
1. Sidewalks are opened one tractor/truck width by 7:30 a.m. on weekdays. The intent is to have people enter the buildings at their first opportunity. For example, we are recommend people who park in the Weidner Center lot should enter the building between Studio Arts and Theatre Hall.
2. Primary parking lots would be opened by 7:30 a.m. on weekdays. These include:
a. Laboratory Science
b. Wood Hall
c. Weidner A/B
d. Kress
e. MAC Visitor
f. Studio Arts (West side)
3. We will be closing the following sidewalks:
a. West of Wood Hall that leads from the parking lot down to the first level. (All access would be at the second floor south entrance.)
b. The Theatre Hall/Studio Arts bridge stairs
c. The Theatre Hall exterior stair on west side that leads to Theatre Hall second floor and Student Services plaza.
4. The following parking lots are considered secondary priority and would not be open by 7:30 a.m. on weekdays and would be barricaded at the entry driveways:
a. Valet Lot
b. Weidner C/D
c. Baird
d. KEC Visitor
Public Safety will close the lots and Grounds will open the lots.
5. Public Safety will enforce overnight parking restrictions with tickets and towing.
6. University Sanctioned overnight trips will have overnight parking in the last 2 rows of Laboratory Science lot closest to Facilities Management
7. Studio Arts lot is considered a Residence Life lot and will only be cleared on the west 1/3, as possible, based on the number and dispersion of the cars.
8. Weekends Only — Call-ins will only plow roads and sidewalk from Union through Res Life on the fire lane, plus the path along the tennis court and in front of Ecumenical Center to the east side of Mary Ann Cofrin Hall. ADA areas to be cleared include the Circle Entry by the Library.