Prof. Shelton wins 2018 First Book Award!

Jon Shelton-1The International Standing Conference for the the History of Education (ISCHE) announced ISCHE-2018-First-book-award-cover-SheltonS17that UW-Green Bay Associate Prof. Jon Shelton (Democracy and Justice Studies) in the recipient of the 2018 First Book Award for his monograph, Teacher Strike. Public Education and the Making of a New American Political Order (University of Illinois Press, 2017). Members for the selection committee were from the U.S., Mexico, Belgium and France. The ISCHE First Book Award recognizes a single-authored academic monograph by a historian of education that represents innovative and exemplary scholarship in the field of history of education broadly conceived. As an award given for a first book, ISCHE also seeks to recognize a historian of education of extraordinary capability and promise. Congratulations!

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