Heirloom Plant Sale generated record sales

Congratulations to Vicki Medland, organizer of the annual Heirloom Plant and Vegetable Sale on a record-breaking year! The sale raised a record $12,636 on Saturday, May 11, 2019 and will fund student science research opportunities. “We are so thrilled! We had so much help from everyone including two excellent interns, Libby Schmit and Emma Gilbertson, Lisa Grubisha and the students in the freshman seminar in urban agriculture, staff support from Kim Mckeefry, Jane Lauren, Janet Ludke, all our stick labelers… Also Mike Draney, Patricia Terry,  alumni Janelle Nehs and Jake Pelegrin (master box maker and compost mover), and the Escalante-Ortiz family for their help, as well as volunteer extraordinaire Dorothy Summer,” Medland said.

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