Microsoft Teams Training: Session 2, March 18

The Academic Staff and University Staff Professional Development Programming Committees invite you to join in for Microsoft Teams training over Spring Break led by Scott Berg and Kim Miller. Session 2 will be March 18, 2021 from 1 to 2 p.m. All Academic and University Staff are encouraged to attend. Faculty are welcome as well. There is no fee for these trainings. We will be offering two training sessions. The goal of these sessions is to provide you with a space to learn more about Teams in a practical way for your work use and have an opportunity to have your questions about Teams answered. Both sessions will have a significant dedicated Q&A time for you to bring your questions to the table. Our second session will provide participants who are more familiar with Teams but would like to learn some tips and tricks to making Teams more efficient for your use.

This session will include information on setting up a team and its channels and showcase helpful tools within the application. You are welcome to sign up and attend both sessions, but you can also pick the session you feel best fits your needs. If you are new to Teams, we recommend attending session 1. Both sessions will be recorded for you to view on your own time. If you are interested but cannot attend live, sign up to receive a recording of the event. To sign up for session 2, please fill out the Qualtrics form. If you have any questions, please the chair of the Academic Staff Professional Development Programming committee, Sarah Bakken at *If you need an accommodation to attend this event, please contact Sarah Bakken at 920-465-2666 or via email, All accommodation requests should be made no less than two weeks before the event. We will attempt to fulfill requests made after this date, but cannot guarantee they will be met.

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