Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement awarded contract
The Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement (formerly Outreach and Extension) was awarded a five year contract from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), Division of Quality Assurance (DQA), and the Bureau of Assisted Living (BAL) to maintain the Community Based Residential Facilities (CBRF) Training Registry for the State of Wisconsin. The CBRF Training Registry serves as the sole verification for assisted living professionals who have successfully completed state required courses in accordance with the Wisconsin Administrative Code, DHS 83. The registry was successfully launched on Jan. 1 through collaborative efforts of UW-Green Bay Computing and Information, Marketing and University Communication and the entire Division of Continuing Education and Community Engagement. Contact Margie Reichwald at ext. 2321 (reichwam@uwgb.edu.) or visit www.uwgb.edu/cbrf-registry for more information, or like them on Facebook.