“I make this easy, clean and convenient,” he said. “Those are the three things I hear from most of my subscribers.”
After only two months, Groshek and his subscribers have already kept more than 2,000 pounds of organic, would-be waste out of our landfills.
“Doing what I’m doing with Greener Bay Compost, basically turning food waste, paper that’s compostable into a really rich, nutrient-dense soil amendment just ties right into my environmentally-friendly nature,” said Groshek. “Which I’m hoping to pass on to the rest of the community.”
His composting site is small; he can currently hold less than 15 cubic yards of material in his five compost pens, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources considers him “small scale,” therefore not needing a license. Before Groshek started Greener Bay Compost, the Brown County Resource Recovery had a compost program where residents could drop off their organic waste, but it was discontinued recently. Groshek saw the need still existed in the area, and created a business completely distinct from the County’s; each subscriber gets an empty five-gallon bucket, lined with a biodegradable trash bag with wood chips at the bottom (to prevent smell), on a weekly or biweekly basis. Two months since launching Greener Bay Compost, Groshek is already up to 37 subscribers, most of whom are on every-other-week pickup plans, like Marianne Oates.
…The GBC founder continues to expand his business, now collaborating with local businesses. He takes coffee grounds and some food scraps from both Glas Coffee downtown and Crystal Coffee. He even takes egg shells from Cheesecake Heaven, but he says his main focus is on residential subscribers. Groshek is continuing to work with the community, initiating collaboration with UWGB.
“UWGB was named ‘Eco U’ in the 70s,” said Daniela Beall, Sustainability Coordinator. “And really, we want to live up to that name and continue growing and expanding that legacy. Connecting Cory to UWGB’s Small Business Development Center and the Environmental Management and Business Institute are ways to help him grow, and also offer students opportunities for internships and experience.”