People of Brown County – Maryssa Paulsen – The Press, People of Brown County

Though Maryssa Paulsen ’19 (Environmental Planning & Policy and Public Administration) has only called Brown County home since 2015, when she moved here from a tiny town just north of Eau Claire (“I like to tell people my graduating class was 37.”) to attend the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (UWGB) – to her, it’s home.The 25 year old said her family – parents, an older sister, a nephew and two younger brothers – also made the move to Northeast Wisconsin over the past few years.Paulsen said she enjoys being outside – whether it’s reading a book outdoors, being by the water, going for a hike or embarking on day trips to Door County.Her area of study at UWGB is similarly related – double majoring in environmental policy planning and public administration.

Source: People of Brown County – Maryssa Paulsen – The Press

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