Weinschenk’s P-G guest column urges citizen involvement in politics
Political scientist Aaron Weinschenk, UW-Green Bay assistant professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, co-author of the new book A Citizens Guide to US Elections, contributed a guest column to the Sunday (Nov. 29) edition of the Green Bay Press-Gazette. Headlined ‘Sick of politics? Get involved,” the essay opens with the observation “There’s still about a year of campaigning ahead before the presidential and congressional elections of November 2016. If that fills you with dread, you’re not alone.” The 2014 midterm election saw turnout hit a 72-year low, with just 36 percent of eligible voters casting a ballot, Weinschenk writes. “Although people may withdraw because they perceive the system to be flawed, it is more likely that the system is flawed because too many citizens have withdrawn.” The U.S. system still works, he says, if people take advantage of their many opportunities to make a difference. See the full column here.