Mauel creates Data Science learning for girls/young women

Lauren Mauel, lecturer in the Professional Program in Education, created a curriculum on Data Science for young girls which has been selected by Create & Learn for its Hour of Code Activities Directory. Mauel’s curriculum, titled Fashionista of Data Science, is aimed at girls ages 13-18 years old. The curriculum teaches basic principles of data science through activities involving SQL code, design, and algorithm creation. Inspiration for this course came from her passion to interest more girls in the world of data science, says Mauel. Create & Learn aims to deliver virtual, fun, and interactive courses for children in areas such as artificial intelligence, data science and current technologies. Prior to starting at UW-Green Bay this fall, Mauel was a mathematics teacher at Green Bay Southwest High School. She currently teaches courses in the Education Program and Business Statistics this semester for the Cofrin School of Business. She is pursuing a Ph.D. at North Texas in Learning Technologies.

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