Notes: Block, Rogers, Ettinger
Prof. Derryl Block is a member of an American Association of Colleges of Nursing task force that developed a revised framework and essential curricular elements for baccalaureate nursing curriculum. After almost two years of feedback from stakeholders and multiple revisions, The Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (2008), was overwhelmingly endorsed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. See the report.
Emily Rogers, coordinator of access services and Renee Ettinger, instruction and outreach librarian at the David A. Cofrin Library, recently presented a workshop entitled “Training 2.0: Bringing Order to Chaos” at the Back in Circulation Again Conference at UW-Madison. The conference, for library professionals, is sponsored by the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was attended by circulation and access services personnel from around the country. Their presentation focused on their use of D2L and other web-based technology, interactive courseware, and other tools to keep student assistant training consistent and manageable at the Cofrin Library. They have found that this program has increased training efficiency for everyone involved.