Faculty note: Assoc. Prof. Vallari Chandna and MSM graduate students present at multiple conferences
Associate Prof. Vallari Chandna (Marketing and Management) presented collaborative papers with her graduate students at multiple conferences in 2021. Graduate students from her MGMT 759 Sustainable Management class worked during Fall 2020 and in subsequent semesters to develop and submit the work to academic conferences at the regional, national and international level. The five student papers include: “CSR and ethical lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic”with Sergii Aleksieiev, (MS-Mgmt.) and “The Circular Economy and Plastic” with Anna Pluschakov (MS-Mgmt.) both presented at Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference; “Exploring the utility of Blockchain technologies in the philanthropic sector to improve transparency and increase their donor base” with Cory Rouw (MS-Mgmt.) presented at the Eastern Academy of Management Annual Conference; “CSR and the entrepreneurial venture: A theoretical exploration of the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility from a marketing and investment perspective” with Adela Kadiasi presented at the Western Academy of Management Annual Conference and “CSR in SMEs: Examining the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Firm Image and Consumer Buying Behavior in Small and Medium Enterprises” with Ya-Ching Kuo has been accepted for presentation at the Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.