Join the discussion at the next #ethicsatwork series: Must We Degrade? Human Dignity and the American Prison

The next discussion in the #ethicsatwork series is Thursday, April 13, from 4:00-5:00 pm. This virtual discussion is free and open to the public.

The discussion will be led by UW-Green Bay professor, Derek Jeffreys, where you’ll consider the nature and justification of punishment in the American criminal justice system. Punishment in prisons, particularly maximum-security prisons, can be deeply degrading, subjecting people to brutal and harsh conditions. What is the ethical justification for treating people this way? To explore this question, you will discuss different meanings of the concept of human dignity, using them to ethically evaluate contemporary American punishment. The presenter will also draw on his experience of teaching philosophy in prisons and jails.

For more information on the event, click here.

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