Still looking for faculty, staff, students for National History Day duty
On Saturday, April 10, more than 350 area middle and high school students will come to campus to compete in the Northeastern Wisconsin regional competition of National History Day. They will be showcasing projects they have created based on research conducted throughout the school year. Topics range from basketball to the discovery of penicillin; from planned communities to the invention of the typewriter; from Title IX to indoor plumbing. Categories include: exhibits, websites, documentaries, performances, and papers.
Judges are still needed to assess projects, and rank the best ones to move on to the state competition in Madison. You don’t need a Ph.D. in history to participate; training and free meals are provided. If you personally are unable to commit to volunteering, this would be an excellent service project for your students. We would be grateful if instructors could announce this opportunity to their classes, and even offer extra credit if possible.
For more information or to volunteer, please contact Deb Anderson or Jean Wentz via e-mail at The volunteer registration form is available at: