Mark your calendar: SBDC presents no-cost webinars

The Small Business Development Center at UW-Green Bay will present three no-cost webinars during the first quarter of 2014, kicking off with “How to Boost Sales This Quarter” at noon on Jan. 21 and again at 1 p.m. on Jan. 23. The SBDC will present “How to Own Your Calendar,” providing advice on how to maximize and manage one’s time, at noon on Feb. 18 and 1 p.m. on Feb. 20. And March 18 and 20, the SBDC will present “How to Find and Engage New Customers,” at noon and 1 p.m., respectively. Each webinar session lasts 30 minutes, plus question-and-answer time. For more information, including how to register, check out our news release.

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