Weidner education series kicks off 2011-12

“Jigsaw Jones and the Case of the Class Clown” on Thursday (Nov. 10) marked the kick-off of the Weidner Center’s 2011-12 Stage Doors Education Series, a daytime school program offering designed to help students learn through the arts. The series continues Thursday, Nov. 17, welcoming the national tour of “Madeline and the Bad Hat” with shows at 10 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Presented by UW-Green Bay along with support from the Kress Family Foundation, the Stage Doors Education Series is now in its fifth year. It annually serves nearly 18,000 students in grades K-12 from 23 surrounding counties annually. For more info, visit www.WeidnerCenter.com and click on “Stage Doors Education Series.”

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