Election watch party tonight in Phoenix Room C
Prof. David Helpap (Public and Environmental Affairs) will be joined by Prof. Alison Staudinger (Democracy and Justice Studies) for a panel discussion during tonight’s election watch party in Phoenix Room C. Stop on by from 8:30-11 p.m. for the nonpartisan gathering featuring results, discussion and yes, snacks. The event is sponsored by UW-Green Bay Political Science and the Center for Public Affairs.
Also tonight: Kraft will talk results at SNC
And if you’re on the other side of town tonight, our friends at St. Norbert College are hosting a watch party of their own — and you’re invited. Prof. Emeritus Michael Kraft (Public and Environmental Affairs) and St. Norbert Prof. Wendy Scattergood will talk results form 7-11 p.m., and NBC 26 will broadcast live from the party. So watch here, watch there or tune in at home — there will be plenty to talk about as polls close tonight.