A long list of research grant opportunities

The Office of Grants and Research is actively seeking grant funding opportunities that both support the priorities established by Federal agencies and assist members of the UW-Green Bay community in pursuing research and program interests. As promised, OGR is providing a link to its website and a list of funding announcements that match the broad federal priorities (STEM, Education, and Energy). This list will continue to be updated on a bi-weekly basis. Additionally, if you have a specific field of interest and would like assistance in determining potential funding sources, contact OGR and individual searches can be accomplished using keywords provided by potential PIs.

In celebration of the end of the shut-down, this week’s focus is on federal funding opportunities that include several specific to internship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. www.uwgb.edu/research/funding/opportunities.asp

For more information on upcoming funding opportunities searchable by field go to: www.grantadvisor.com/tgaplus/

Sponsor: US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS); National Institutes of Health (NIH); Multiple Institutes

Grant Program: Modeling Social Behavior (R01)

Next Deadline: Feb. 5, 2014

Abstract: Notice seeking applications for developing and testing innovative theories and computational, mathematical, or engineering approaches to deepen scientific understanding of complex social behavior. Program expires January 8, 2017. The project period is for five years.

Sponsor: Environmental Research and Education Foundation

Grant Program: Grants Program (Solicited and Unsolicited Proposals)

Next Deadline: Jan. 5, 2014

Abstract: Supports research and education on solid waste management, greater sustainability, good environmental stewardship, higher process efficiency and increased knowledge. Solicited proposals must respond to annual research agendas. Funds projects averaging $100,000. Annual deadlines for solicited proposals: 1/5, 7/15. Annual deadlines for unsolicited proposals: required pre-applications 5/21, 10/1.

Sponsor: Field Museum of Natural History

Grant Program: Visiting Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships, and Undergraduate Internships
Next Deadline: Nov. 1, 2013

Abstract: Supports use of the Field Museum collections, with a preference for projects in anthropology, botany, geology, and zoology. Awards are for travel and subsistence for students and professionals (for short-term support) and for extended visits by distinguished scientists. Visiting scholarship applications are due 11/1/13. Graduate Fellowship last deadline was 2/1/13. Undergraduate Internships are unlikely to be offered next year. 2014 budget is not yet finalized; announcements expected soon for other programs.

Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Grant Program: Long Term Research in Environmental Biology (LTREB)

Next Deadline: Jan. 10, 2014


Abstract: Supports the generation of extended time series of biological and environmental data that address ecological and evolutionary processes. Researchers must have collected at least six years of previous data and must present a cohesive conceptual rationale or framework for 10 years. Questions or hypotheses outlined in this conceptual framework must guide an initial five-year proposal and subsequent renewal. Annual deadline: 1/10 refers to required preliminary proposals. Invited full proposals due 8/1.

Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Grant Program: Research in Engineering Education

Next Deadline: Jan. 23, 2014

Abstract: Supports research on diversifying pathways to and through engineering degree programs; understanding how to increase the diffusion and impact of engineering education research; understanding engineering education in broader, organizing frameworks such as innovation, globalization, complex engineered systems, to increase understanding of how engineering students learn and discover. Annual deadlines: proposals due the fourth Thursday in January and the third Thursday in September.

Sponsor: National Science Foundation

Grant Program: Social Psychology
Next Deadline: Jan. 15, 2014 (Target Date)


Abstract: Supports basic research on human social behavior, including cultural differences and development over the life span. Among the many research topics supported are attitude formation and change, social cognition, personality processes, interpersonal relations, group processes, the self, emotion, social comparison and social influence, the social psychology of health, and the psychophysiological correlates of social behavior. Annual deadlines: target dates are 1/15 and 7/15.

Sponsor: US Department of Energy
Grant Program: Office of Science Graduate Fellowship Program

Next Deadline: Jan. 2014 (Tentative)

Abstract: Supports students pursuing graduate training in basic research in areas of physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, engineering, computer and computational sciences & environmental sciences relevant to DOE’s Office of Science. This is a three-year award, providing partial tuition support, an annual stipend for living expenses, and a research allowance for full-time graduate study and thesis/dissertation research at a U.S. academic institution. FY 14 FOA expected with deadlines similar to FY 13.

Sponsor: US Department of Energy
Grant Program: Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI)

Next Deadline: Jan. 10, 2014 (Tentative)


Abstract: Program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at DOE National Laboratories. Interns perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects related to ongoing programs. Appointments are for 10 weeks in the summer, 16 weeks in the spring and fall. Agency expects similar January deadline for Summer 2014.

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