Upcoming CATL workshop: ‘Teaching Without a Textbook?’
The Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning (CATL) announces a program on Friday, Oct. 31, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. in the Vista Conference Room (301) of Mary Ann Cofrin Hall. Titled “Teaching Without a Textbook? How to make your courses more relevant and, yes, fun!” the session will be led by Prof. Carol Cirka of the Center for Integrative and Entrepreneurial Studies at Ursinus College in Pennsylvania. The invitation reads, in part, “Have you ever complained about textbooks? Too dense, too expensive, too much content for the course, students don’t read them (maybe they don’t even buy them)? This session will describe the experiences of one faculty member who teaches three management courses without using a traditional textbook.” Cirka’s program will include sample syllabi, course design, teaching tips and a Q&A period.