Reminder: Items checked out from UW-Green Bay Libraries not due before July 1

A reminder: If you have any materials checked out from one of the UWGB Libraries (Green Bay, Manitowoc, Marinette, or Sheboygan), all the due dates have been extended until July 1. We want to ensure that no one feels the need to return library materials during this time of the campus closure.  However, we recognize that some people may be leaving the area as the semester ends.  Therefore, the UWGB Libraries have put together the following process for returning materials if you need to do so.

Green Bay Campus

  • BOOKS – Books from any UW, not just a UWGB Library, may be dropped off in the outdoor book drop outside the second floor (plaza level) entrance that faces the Weidner Center.
  • NON-BOOKS – All other materials (laptops, keys, and other electronic equipment) may be dropped off at the Check-In Desk in MAC Hall (second floor, across from Union) Monday – Friday 10AM – 2PM. There will be a library cart located near the desk to place your item(s). You will need to sign your name and indicate what is being returned on the sign in sheet with the cart.
  • All returned items will be checked in after a quarantine period.

Manitowoc Campus

  • No returns accepted until campus reopens. You may return materials to the Green Bay campus if you wish. Any items returned to the Green Bay campus will checked in and eventually returned to the Manitowoc Campus.

Marinette Campus

  • Books may be returned by utilizing the exterior book drop slot on the library building.
  • Non-book materials will need to wait until the campus reopens or returned to the Green Bay campus MAC Hall check-in desk.

Sheboygan Campus

  • No returns accepted until campus reopens. You may return materials to the Green Bay campus if you wish. Any items returned to the Green Bay campus will checked in and eventually returned to the Sheboygan Campus.

Other UW Libraries

  • You may return books from other UW Libraries to the Green Bay campus.
  • If the item was checked out at a different UW school, it may take much longer to be checked in. Rest assured, we have the item and will check it in as soon possible.

In addition to library materials, if you were loaned a laptop, hot spot, or other piece of technology from the Division of Information Technology (Help Desk), you may also return those items to the Green Bay Campus, following the non-book procedure listed above.

To state again, ALL library materials have had due dates extended to July 1. You DO NOT need to return materials currently.  We are only making this information available for those that need or wish to return materials now.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the UWGB Libraries via, (920) 465-2303, or via chat on our website


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