UWGB mourns passing of friend, Roy Lukes

Roy Lukes, a dear friend and colleague to many UW-Green Bay faculty, staff and students during the past four decades died peacefully on Sunday, June 26. Roy and his wife Charlotte served for many years as caretakers of UW-Green Bay’s Toft Point Natural Area in Door County, where they led the formation of the Friends of Toft Point, one of the most successful community support groups of any natural area in Wisconsin. In addition to his historic contributions to Wisconsin science and outdoor education, Roy contributed many specimens to the Richter Museum of Natural History, and he shared many photographs on the Cofrin Center for Biodiversity website. He was a key contributor to the documentary, “Emma Toft: One With Nature,” produced by Eileen Littig and Dean Leisgang for Wisconsin Public Television. Roy will be greatly missed by the UW-Green Bay community. A memorial service to commemorate Roy’s life is being planned for August 7 in Door County. Read the full obituary.

Photo by Mike Brisson, taken October 2011 at Toft Point.


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