The Phoenix Childcare Support Program

Students in a math class

Do you know a student-parent who could use financial help? UW-Green Bay continually strives to identify and remove obstacles that prevent our students from being successful in pursuing their educational goals. One such barrier is a provision to support childcare for our students who are also parents. In an effort to address this need, the University launched the Phoenix Childcare Support Program. Utilizing federal grant funding and financial support from Segregated Student Fees, students who are Pell Grant eligible or have a demonstrated financial need, can apply each semester for a grant to be applied towards the expense of daycare for children aged infant to 12-years old.

In addition to this funding, student parents have access to support which can help identify other supportive community resources, as well as the opportunity to attend training sessions focused on the further development of strong parenting skills.

If you know a student-parent, please have them apply today for funding.



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