Grateful students honor Mueller in scholarship reception
Marcia Mueller made her return trip from Seattle to UW-Green Bay last week to spend some time with the scholarship recipients who benefit from her brother’s incredible generosity and legacy. The Craig A. Mueller Scholarship reception was held Friday, Nov. 7 at the Weidner Center for the Performing Arts.
Marcia’s brother Craig passed away in 2007 after pledging to endow scholarships for students in Communication and Art and Design academic programs. His $1 million gift generates more than $40,000 annually for more than 30 recipients each year.
This year, Marcia Mueller was deeply honored to receive a pencil drawing of Craig by UWGB student and scholarship recipient Logan Sprangers, a graphic design major. The afternoon reception featured student Angela Danowski performing “In My Life” with accompaniment by student Ryan Dummer. Katelyn Staaben, a first-generation college student and daughter of a single parent, spoke about the challenge of many UW-Green Bay students and depth of gratitude they have for their scholarship assistance. Craig and Marcia’s cousin, Candy Mueller-Wilson, was pleased to attend the reception this year for the first time and meet the scholarship recipients.
Congratulations were in order for student Nicholas Saldana who won a drawing for two Packers tickets, donated by Marcia. Read more on Marcia and Craig Mueller and their generosity to UW-Green Bay.
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– Photos by Eric Miller, photographer, Office of Marketing and University Communication